“Footnotes” a Group Exhibition at the Cultuurhuis ‘de Garenspinnerij’ in Gouda, NL, featuring film work, plus 10 editioned photographic works for sale by Conceptual Photographer, Suzanne Heintz. Additional works by Bram Tackenberg and Jos van der Biezen will be exhibited, with Artist’s discussion, and introduction by the new director of Museum Gouda, Femke Haijtema.

Opening Reception: Tuesday, June 7th, 8pm. Exhibition runs through July 4th, 2022. https://www.cultuurhuisgarenspinnerij.nl/

“Playing House”
Featuring Conceptual Photographer Suzanne Heintz
Artist Reception: Thursday, November 12th from 6pm – 8pm

Click here for a complete price list:

IMITATING LIFE: The Audacity of Suzanne Heintz

For more information, please visit playinghouseproject.com